
Showing posts with the label Co-alesce

Jaki Mbogo's Guest View 1...Cite Friday, January 1, 2021 DN2 page 6.

 Feedbacks are straight-lined. First, I want to remind us, Nation Media Group PLC, is giving what it's supposed to. And, the writers which include male and female, to the best of my knowledge have a curated  collection of graphics, themes, and contents.    Today, re-reading one of their first in 2021 i had to take  a black-BiC pen and note. What! Jaki Mbogo, said.  " Second, while Sustainable Development Goal 5 on gender equality speaks of ending all discrimination against women and girls as being not only a basic human right but crucial for sustainable future, matching resources and specifically funding to Community Based Support groups will often mark the difference between and making a new entry in the gender-based violence (GBV) Survivals List".   I will talk about this soon. NMG, you not a shadow player and you have every right of publication but I know you will give us that " Guest View " oftentimes because you ever good. Please, lo